Sean Jordan


Please listen to All Fantasy Everything while you are staying safe and healthy :)

12/3 Tuesday Portland OR Sandy Jug - Comedy Corral

3/1 Saturday Renton WA Carco Theater - w/ David Gborie!

3/7 Friday Portland OR Rogue Brewery - Dead Comics Society

3/18 Tuesday Salem OR Details TBA

3/28-3/29 Friday and Saturday Ft. Collins CO Comedy Fort - 2 shows each night! Early show 6pm - Late show 8:30pm

4/3-4/5 Thurs, Fri and Sat Tampa FL Details TBA

4/9 Wednesday Seattle WA Comedy/Bar Leave Your Trouble At The Door

4/19 Saturday Salem OR Details TBA

4/25 Friday Salem OR Details TBA

5/8-5/11 Thurs, Fri and Sat New Orleans LA Toledano Street Comedy Fest!

8/23 Saturday New Orleans LA Sports Drink!

9/18-9/20 Thurs, Fri and Sat Denver CO Details TBA



Listen to All Fantasy Everything, a show where funny people and experts come together to fantasy draft pop culture, from music to movies to sandwiches. Everything is in play. Sean co-hosts this podcast with Ian Karmel and David Gborie.

What kinds of things are they drafting? Sandwiches, Pet Peeves, Karaoke Jams, Words That Make You Sound Smart, Cereal, Parts of Songs That Give you Goosebumps, Christmas Songs . . . and so, so, so much more.